City of Dawson


Got ​Questions?

City of Dawson and Yukon Government are planning a new ​recreation facility which will be located at the corner of Dome Road ​and theNorth Klondike Highway.

Find answers to commonly asked questions below.

If your query is not there, feel free to contact us:

867-993-7400 ext 299

Engineer or Architect

General FAQs

City of Dawson


Why is a new ​recreation centre ​needed in Dawson?

Our current facility, built in ​2000, has significantly ​sunken due to the ​challenging ground and ​foundation conditions. The ​cost to maintain and ensure ​the safety and practicality of ​this facility as a community ​recreational space has ​become prohibitive. A new ​recreation centre is essential ​to provide safe, modern, and ​functional amenities that ​meet the needs of Dawson ​City residents.

Where will the new ​recreation centre be ​located?

The site for the new ​recreation centre will be at ​the southeast corner of ​Dome Road and the North ​Klondike Highway. This ​location was selected for its ​advantageous ground ​conditions, availability for ​immediate development, ​and room for future growth, ​including the planned ​Klondike Highway ​Subdivision.

When will the new

recreation centre be ​built?

The goal is to begin site ​development in 2024-25, ​and begin construction as ​soon as funding, design ​work, and construction plans ​are secured. More certain ​dates will be shared as the ​design process evolves.



City of Dawson


What is a Progressive ​Design Build (PDB) ​Process?

The progressive design-​build procurement method is ​a collaborative project ​delivery approach where the ​design and construction ​phases are integrated and ​executed by a single entity. ​This method allows for a ​more flexible and efficient ​process, enabling ​continuous input and ​adjustments as the project ​evolves. It emphasizes ​teamwork, cost control, and ​reduced risk, often resulting ​in faster completion times ​and improved quality.

Why is PDB being ​utilized for this ​process?​

Utilizing a design-bid-build ​methodology previously ​resulted in a design ​estimated to cost over ​$90,000,000, which was not ​feasible. The progressive ​design-build approach ​allows for better cost ​management and value ​engineering from the outset. ​This method provides ​greater flexibility to make ​adjustments during the ​design phase, ensuring that ​the project remains within ​budget while still meeting the ​community's needs and ​expectations.

How can I find out ​more about the PDB ​model?

There are numerous ​resources available that ​highlight the advantages of ​PDB. The following link ​provides a concise overview ​that you may find ​informative:




City of Dawson


What programming ​spaces are planned ​for this facility?

At this stage, no final ​decision on the ​programming spaces to be ​included has occurred.

A shortlist of spaces is being ​reviewed by the working ​group, to determine the ​priorities, viable sizing and ​functionality of these ​potential spaces.

What programming ​spaces are being ​considered?

The programming spaces being ​reviewed for the project include:

  • Skating rink
  • Curling rink
  • Gymnasium
  • Walking track
  • Indoor Playground
  • Fitness Center
  • Concession
  • Lounge & Common Spaces
  • Office Space
  • Storage Spaces
  • Supporting spaces ​(Mechanical, ​Thoroughfares, ​Changerooms, etc.)

These spaces were shortlisted ​based on a feasbility study and ​public engagement.

Will a pool be included ​in this facility?

A pool is not planned for this ​facility. Based on the ​estimates received during ​feasibility studies on a new ​facility, it was deemed too ​expensive to construct.



City of Dawson


How will the new ​recreation centre design ​and construction be ​funded?

Funding for this facility is ​earmarked from the Yukon ​Government's portion of ​Investing in Canada ​Infrastructure Program (ICIP) ​from the federal government. ​To formalize the $65 million ​earmarked for the new ​recreation facility, a ​conceptual design must be ​submitted by September to ​the federal government. ​Should a plan not be ​satisfactorily presented by ​this time, this funding will be ​re-allocated to other ​community needs within the ​Territory.

How will you ensure ​the building is ​affordable​ to build?

Utilizing the Progressive ​Design Build model for ​procurement, will include a ​guaranteed maximum price ​from the contractor for ​construction, which will ​ensure the capital costs ​associated to the building ​are within the funding we ​curre​ntly have.

How will you ensure ​the operating costs ​are affordable on this ​facility

Estimating and ensuring the new ​building envelope and ​programming spaces are ​affordable for City of Dawson to ​operate and maintain are of high ​priority in the planning of this ​facility.

We plan to utilize and construct ​the facility with energy efficient ​systems that are easy to ​maintain locally.

Strategies will be implemented ​to reduce expenses while ​maintaining functionality. ​Community partnerships and ​programs will be considered to ​generate revenue, and offset ​costs.

who’s involved?

City of Dawson


Who is involved in this ​project?

This project is being ​managed by Yukon ​Government, in collaboration ​with City of Dawson and ​Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in.

City of Dawson has ​appointed its Recreation ​Board to act as advisors on ​this project, to assist in ​making recommendations to ​council on this project.

Wildstone Construction has ​been hired to do the design ​and construction of this ​project.

How is Tr’ondëk ​Hwëch’in involved in ​this project?

Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in has been ​involved in the planning ​stages of this project for a ​number of years.

They are informed and ​consulted through meetings ​with staff and joint City of ​Dawson and Tr’ondëk ​Hwëch’in Chief and Council ​meetings.

Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in also has ​two appointed members to ​the Recreation Board ​(Nathan Dewell and Ashley ​Bower-Bramadat).

How is the community ​involved?

Community involvement is ​vital in developing a new ​recreation center in Dawson ​City. The public was utilized ​during the feasibility ​planning and has been ​engaged with numerous ​times in the past on facility ​development.

The Recreation Board is ​also acting as an advisory ​group on this project and ​consists of diverse ​community members to ​ensure the facility meets the ​varied needs and interests of ​the community.

How is the Recreation ​Board utilized on this ​project?

The Recreation Board has ​been meeting regularly since ​April 2024 to review ​information and provide input ​to City of Dawson.

The group has also met with ​representatives from Yukon ​Government, and our recently ​hired contractor (Wildstone) to ​review and provide feedback ​on planning for this project.

The group is meant to advise, ​and act as community ​champions for the planning ​and implementation of this ​project.

Who is on the ​Recreation Board?

The Recreation Board in ​Dawson acts as an advisory ​body to City of Dawson. It ​has regular and appointed ​members, along with ​advisors. The current group ​includes Peter Menzies – ​Chairperson, Monna ​Sprokkreeff – Vice Chair, ​Dawn Kisoun, Megan ​Macdougall, Brent ​Macdonald, Amélie Morin, , ​Nathan Dewell, Helen ​Dewell, Diana Andrew, ​Ashley Bower-Bramadat.

Where can I get more ​information or ask ​questions?

Please contact Paul ​Robitaille, Parks and ​Recreation Manager, at

recmanager@cityofdawson.​ca or 867-993-7400 ext 299.

Get in ​touch ​with us

Have more questions or things you wish to discuss?

Contact us via:

867-993-7400 ext 299

Engineer or Architect